The International Scientific Conference «Genetics of Population: Progress and Perspectives», commemorating the 80th birthday of Academician Yury P. Altukhov and dedicated to the 45th Anniversary of the Laboratory of Population Genetics named after Yu. P. Altukhov, to be held at Zvenogorod Biological Station, Moscow, April 17-21, 2017.
The main objective of the conference is to present Yu. P. Altukhov's scientific heritage and achievements of his scientific school, to discuss the modern state and perspectives of population and general genetics in Russia and in the world, to bring along new methods for the estimation and monitoring of genetic diversity that reveal factors underlying genetic processes in plant, animal and human populations. The working languages of the Conference are Russian and English.
The Conference will have the following sections:
Registration date: until December 15, 2016.
Materials for the Conference Proceedings will be accepted until March 01, 2017.
For further details, please see the attachment.